It is possible to overide the coordinates of a location that are automatically set based on its address. You can also convert these coordinates to other projections like NZTM.

For example, you might want to show the precise location of

  1. an incident
  2. a project site
  3. a crew
  4. a consent or permit
  5. the correct entry point to a location

To do this, find the item you want to update and click edit.

If you cannot see a map

In the edit screen, if there is no map, you need to enter a valid address in the address field and move your mouse out of the field. BraveGen will attempt to geomap that address and display the map.

Click on the map in the edit screen. This will take you to google maps.

Click the precise location on the map. A box at the bottom of the screen will appear with the precise coordinates. Click those coordinates.

Select the coordinates on this page and save them to your clipboard

Go back to the item you were editing in BraveGen and paste the coordinates in to the longitude and latitude box beside the map. Then save the item.

The precise location is now shown in for your item.