In this area of settings, you can toggle the settings listed below on or off.

  1. Set a default Guest user: This is not available.
  2. Enable weekly email task reminder: This sends a weekly summary email to users who have actions assigned to them. The summary includes overdue and upcoming tasks for the week.
  3. Enable task email reminder:
  4. Use simple actions: This allows actions to be created in pop ups on the Permit Pages.
  5. Use complex actions: This allows users to create actions with more options and settings.
  6. Redirect user to location page if user has only one location assigned: If users are assigned to a specific location, this sets that location page as the users, home page in the system.
  7. Show location list on home page: This shows a list of your organisations location on the system Home Page. Users assigned to specific locations will only see the locations they have been assigned to.
  8. Use action popup: This enables the action creation pop up.
  9. Require comment when setting action to compliant: best practice is that this is set to ‘On’ so that when action statuses are changed a reason is provided for the status change.
  10. Manage your company details: Clicking this link takes you to the Contact Information Page where you can;
    1. Change your organisations’ Legal Name.
    2. Change your organisations’ display name in the system.
    3. Change the logo displayed in the system.
    4. Subscribe to the BraveGen Newsletter.