• Search for the permit you need in the permit log or the search box at the top of the page.
  • Click on the permit number of the permit you are searching for in the permit log or search box.
  1. Permit header details
    1. Permit number
    2. Permit compliance status - "Not compliant"/"Compliant"/"In progress"/ "Under review" - this status is based on the compliance of the actions within your conditions
    3. Edit permit - click this button to edit the permit
    4. Add condition - click this button to add a condition to the permit.
    5. Purpose of the permit - the text under the permit number shows the purpose of the permit
    6. Location for the permit - shows the location of the permit - if you click on the location link it will take you to the location page.
    7. Specific location - by default, this is the address of the location but this can be modified further to describe specific locations within large locations, eg. sections of a forest, parts of a farm/paddock.. etc
    8. Activity type of the permit - eg Building consent, discharge permit, coastal, earthworks, etc..
    9. Permit phase of the permit - eg. construction, design, etc..
    10. Permit status of the permit - eg. active, expired, surrendered, etc..
    11. Permit manager of the permit - the person who is responsible to manage compliance to this permit
    12. Holder - the holder of the permit - if you click on the holder name it will take you to a permit report grid that shows the permits held by the holder
    13. Grantor - the grantor of the permit. -  if you click on the grantor name it will take you to a permit report grid that shows the permits issued by the grantor.
    14. Internal ref - a system-generated number that uniquely identifies your permit
    15. Granted - permit granted date
    16. Expires - permit expiry date
    17. Lapses - permit lapse date (by default this is five years from the granted date but can be changed when needed)
    18. Data entry status - tells you at what stage of the data entry stage you are, useful for administrators
    19. Participants - list of people that are involved in this permit (permit managers, condition managers, stakeholders...)
  2. Additional information for your permit header
    1. Permit map - draws the map of the location in the permit header based on the address, unless you have set a longitude-latitude coordinate then that will take precedence to draw the map
    2. Purpose of the permit - description of the purpose of the permit
    3. Works description - description of the works involved for the permit
    4. Legal description of land - the legal description of land
    5. Permit documents - all permit documents will be found here (actual consent, application, decisions, etc..)
      1. Click on the arrow to download the document
      2. Click on the mail icon to email the document
      3. Click on the document if it's a pdf to read the document in a pop-up window
    6. Permit address - a unique email address for this permit. All emails sent to this address will be available under the "Activity" tab next to the "Conditions" , "Actions" tab.
    7. Universal address - a unique email address for your organisation. You can send emails to this address to redirect emails/documents later on to the appropriate permit/action.
    8. Copy this permit - click this button if you want to make a copy of this permit.
    9. Delete this permit - deletes the permit along with its conditions, actions and any compliance data that has been recorded for this permit. Once you have deleted a permit it can not be recovered so be careful when using this. (It's mostly used when adding a new permit and you have made some mistakes and you want to start again or to delete training permits used for training purposes)
  3. Conditions
    1. Condition label and condition title are displayed at the top
    2. Condition compliance - "Not compliant"/"Compliant"/"In progress"/ "Under review" - this status is based on the compliance of the actions within your condition
    3. Edit button - click this button to edit your condition
    4. Delete button - click this button to delete the condition and the actions within along with any compliance information submitted. Once you have deleted a condition it can not be recovered so be careful when using this. (It's mostly used when adding a new condition and you have made some mistakes and you want to start again or to delete training conditions used for training purposes)
    5. Condition manager - shows you the condition manager for the condition (By default this is the permit manager but it can be changed)
    6. Internal ref - a system-generated number that uniquely identifies your condition
    7. Risk - shows only if your condition is medium or high risk 
    8. Actions - shows you your actions that are under this condition. If all your actions and tasks are compliant under this condition then the condition is compliant. If a single action/task is not compliant then the condition is not compliant.
      1. Actions are green if they are compliant.
      2. Actions are red if they are not compliant.
      3. Click on action to go to the action page to view/comply.
      4. Preview - click on "Preview" to see the compliance status and evidence submitted for the action in the permit view page without going to a new page.
      5. Bubble icon - if you hover your mouse over this icon it tells you how many comments have been submitted for the action
      6. Paper clip icon - if you hover your mouse over this icon it tells you how many files have been submitted for the action







