If you see an Error 500 message while using BraveGen, try these suggestions to see if you can fix the problem. If the issue persists, get in touch with BraveGen Support.

Check BraveGen's system status page

Go to BraveGen's system status page to see if BraveGen is currently experiencing any system-wide issues causing a disruption in service. This page is updated as issues are identified and resolved.

If there is no current issue listed, try the next 3 suggestions.

Reload the page

Try refreshing the page:

  • Windows users - press F5 on your keyboard or click the refresh arrow in your browser.
  • Mac users - press CMD + R or click the refresh arrow in your browser.

Log in again

If you've logged in to BraveGen using a bookmark, log out, and then log in again using this URL: app.bravegen.com

This ensures you're always accessing the most current version of the page.

Clear your cookies and cache

Try clearing your cookies and cache, this ensures that old data is not stored in your browser.

Clear the cookies and cache in your web browser

Need more help?

If these suggestions haven't helped, get in touch with BraveGen Support. The more detail you can provide, the faster we can help.

  1. Click the "Click here for help" button at the button right of this page.
  2. Click the "CONTACT SUPPORT" button.
  3. Enter a subject line.
  4. In the body field, enter the following:
  5. Your BraveGen organisation name.
  6. The URL you entered or clicked on when the error occurred.
  7. Let us know if you've tried the 3 suggestions outlined above.
  8. Enter the email address that you use to log in to BraveGen.
  9. Click "Send message".