Click on Smart Forms on the homepage.

Click on Add new form


Enter the form details

  1. Add the form name which is for internal use
  2. Add the form title which gets displayed on the screen when using the form
  3. Add a form description. This will describe the purpose of the form to the user so it should be informative.
  4. Make sure "Add activity data" is selected in the dropdown list for the kind of form.
  5. Select a Form Contact. This persons name, phone and email will appear at the top of the form for assistance.

Enter the Activity Data Form Configuration

  1. Enter the name and email of the person who will be filling in the form. The form will say "This form is intending for..." this person
  2. Select the data collection task this form is related to so that it will appear in the appropriate data reviews.
  3. Choose whether the data collection form should expire by a certain date on when the user says it is completed
  4. Enter a comma separated list of email addresses of people that should be notified when this form has been completed
  5. Enter the name and email of who should approve the entered data is required
  6. Enter the form status as active once it is ready to be used.

A link to the form is available at the bottom of the page.

When finished with the above click on "Save" at the bottom right of the page.

In the list of forms click the pencil beside the form you just created.

Click Add form field

  1. Enter a name and description of the information they are entering
  2. Choose the inventory item in BraveGen that they are entering data for. You will need to select the location where the inventory item resides first.
  3. Select all the months you want to be available in the form. You could select all the months of a given year if you want the person to come back and enter information each month throughout that period
  4. Select which boxes you want to be available in the form. Typically units is the minimum to show.
  5. Click save and report the process to add more inventory items to the same form. E.g. other fuel types for this supplier.